A Brief History of A.I.

A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence.

While in these recent days Artificial Intelligence has gained huge momentum in the world it is first of all worth noting that Artificial Intelligence is not something new.Its birth dates back to the 1950 when Alan Mathison Turing also known as 'the  father of artificial intelligence' conducted the so called 'Turing test' which simply posed the question ''Is the machine capable of thinking?'' In this test there are three members  two humans of which one is the person who asks some questions and the other is the one who has to answer these questions, and one machine (which needs to be predicted of whether or not is  it capable of thinking) who also have to answer the same questions.During the test the questioner has to be isolated and ask the machine and the human these questions and predict from the answers of both the parties, which one is a human.
The idea here is to predict whether the machine is capable of thinking like human or not?(Though many experts now believe that this experiment isn't a good way of judging Artificial Intelligence)
Alan Mathison Turing the 'father of A.I.'

This was how the Artificial Intelligence was first born.
Development in the field of A.I.  more formally took its shape after a conference at Dartmouth College in 1956.
But unfortunately the development of this field was stopped between the 70s-80s (A.I. Winter)  when the government stopped funding for its research.It again gained momentum in the late 90s which also saw the development of the first computer to defeat a chess champion, Deep Blue created by IBM.
